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News and Notifications

Public Notification on Plyboard Thickness

PUBLIC NOTIFICATIONThe Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority (CCAA) would like to share with the public thatthere is a significant difference between the ‘actual’ and ‘indicated’ thickness of the majority of thebrands of plywood available in the market. Such practices are misleading and not only defraudsconsumers but could potentially compromise the quality and safety of infrastructure.Therefore, […]


Market Surveillance Report – Mongar and Lhuentse

The office is pleased to publish the Market Surveillance Report for Mongar and Lhuentse Dzongkhag. Major markets in the Dzongkhags were inspected over a period of 13 days starting from January 15, 2024, with the support of Bhutan Food and Drug Authority (BFDA) and the Regional Office of Industry, Commerce and Employment (ROICE), Mongar.  The primary objective of the inspection was to ensure […]

News and Notifications

Prices of Essential Commodities for the month of December 2023

QUARTERLY MARKET PRICE OF ESSENTIAL GOODSIntroductionPrice serves as a fundamental basis for comparison among consumers. When making purchasingdecisions, consumers often compare the prices of similar products or services to evaluate which optionoffers the best value for their money. Price comparisons enable consumers to assess affordability, identifypotential cost savings, and make informed choices based on their […]